Welcome to Creativa Soul Studio

Hi, I am Silvana Santana, an abstract artist. I have always known that there was an artist in me. I have used my creativity in various ways including writing and self publishing a poetry book in 2016. 

I only started painting in 2023. I first picked up the brush because I needed a creative outlet, where I could express myself visually rather than just with words.

In my journey as an artist, each creation emerges from an intuitive and heartfelt process. My work is a dance of spontaneity and spiritual resonance, where I let intuition lead. 

I start with simple concepts like shapes, a simple stroke of paint on a canvas and allow that to evolve naturally, taking the time to appreciate what is on the canvas and keep adding to it. The colors and patterns start to reveal themselves as I progress.

All the items featured in my store were imagined and painted by me.

Thank you for your support!


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